Category: News

Tee Time Update

The following is a message sent out by the Golf Centre via email…

Yesterday we emailed some of our players to advise them that a weekly report had shown they had played a considerable amount of golf over an 8 day period. These emails were, for the most part, received in the spirit they were sent, to advise the individuals and request that we all book tee times with a fairness towards our fellow members.

Some of the replies have raised questions which we wish to clarify for everyone.

All members, 7 day and 5 day are requested to limit their bookings to three per week. 5 day members are unable to book weekends, so 7 day members have the advantage of two extra days to get a tee time. 

If you are free all week and playing regularly on weekdays we would request you leave slots free for members only able to play weekends.

We will be monitoring persons failing to remove themselves from time slots they can’t make and would request if your circumstances change and you can’t play, to remove yourself as soon as possible to allow others a chance to play in you place.

We are aware some members are checking the tee sheet early on a day and then joining others for a game of golf later that same day. We would encourage players to do this as often as they can and utilise the whole tee sheet rather than scrambling every morning at 11am and maybe be disappointed at not getting a preferred slot.

Through no choice of our own we are operating at less than half capacity. We cannot increase the number of tee times or the number of persons playing in them. We have no control over the finer workings of BRS and cannot change it or make it any easier or quicker to book tee times. Anyone with problems logging on should contact reception to have their details checked and modified as necessary.

It is our hope that common sense will soon prevail and the restrictions placed on us can be eased. Until then thank you for your continued support and understanding.

BRS System

Please see message below from Greenacres Golf Centre about the BRS Booking System..

We understand our members have been without golf for the last eight weeks and are busting to get back out onto the course. This coupled with being limited to three balls at fifteen minute intervals has created exceptional demand for tee times.

As no one ever expected to go through a period of lockdown the BRS System does not include a weekly restriction on the number of times a member can book.  So, we would ask members to consider others when booking.

IMPORTANT: as part of protocol we signed up to we must be able to contact trace everyone, which means when booking a time, you are required to enter every playing partners name. If they are not on the list, please contact us.

We would ask you:

  • Not to reserve a time or slot of you know it is not going to be used.
  • If you can’t make your time, please remove your name to allow others to book the slot.
  • If you can’t get a time please consider splitting up and joining another group, our members are a friendly bunch and will welcome you into their group.
  • Limit the number of bookings to three per week

We will then monitor the start sheets and act accordingly, which includes deleting a booking if the system is being abused.

In the meantime to save members having to wait up until midnight to book their time we have decided to make it easier for everyone and open the start sheet one week in advance at 11am.

Winter League 2019 / 2020

  Name Total Prize
Overall Winner Roger Baird 205 £30
Division 1 Name Total Prize
1st Nigel Davenport 203 £25
2nd Keith Ross 199 £20
3rd Gary Spratt 199 £15
Division 2 Name Total Prize
1st Ken Webb 195 £25
2nd Nevin Davis 190 £20
3rd Bobby McWilliams 189 £15
Division 3 Name Total Prize
1st David Williamson 196 £25
2nd John Jordan 194 £20
3rd Ian McCullough 193 £15
Teams Team Total Prize
1st Team 9 585 £100
2nd Team 24 583 £80
3rd Team 35 579 £60
Highest Points Name Total Prize
Individual Paul Sturgeon 261 £10
Team Team 23 807 £40
League Name Total  
Sunday Jim McCabe 462  
Midweek Aaron Cambell 495  
60 Plus Noel McWhirter 381  

To view the final league tables for all four competitions – Click Here