Greenacres (Men’s) Golf Club AGM
The Annual General Meeting of Greenacres (Men’s) Golf Club will be held on Wednesday 21st of February 2024 at 7:00 pm in the Golf Centre

Any Other Business
Members questions under Any Other Business to be sent in writing to the Honorary Secretary at least 7 days prior to the AGM


Introductory Remarks – Club CaptainAlister McKeever
Greenacres Golf Centre Report [Liaison]Owners
Minutes 2023 Annual General MeetingStephen Cullen
Annual Reports
Honorary SecretaryStephen Cullen
Honorary TreasurerSimon Hopper
Reports from Sub-Committee Chairmen
General Purposes / DisciplinarySimon Hopper
Match & HandicapKeith Hanna
CompetitionsKeith Hanna
Social & CharityMark Magee
Election of Officers & Members of Council(See Rule 5)
2024 Captains Remarks
Annual Levy – Recommendation from Club Council
Any Other Business

Rule 5
5 Election of Officers

All Officers and members of Committees shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting. Captains of both Men’s and Ladies’ Clubs shall retire after one year’s service and shall be succeeded by the Vice Captain of each Club, provided always that the members at Annual General Meeting may vote that the outgoing Captain should serve in that capacity for a longer period. In such event, the tenure of office of the Vice Captain shall be extended for a similar period. Council Office Bearers and Council Members shall hold office for two years, and one half of such members shall retire at each Annual General Meeting and shall be eligible for re-election (subject to drawing of lots if necessary, to decide those retiring).

Nominations (with the consent of the nominee) for election to any Honorary Office or as an Ordinary Member of Council shall be made:-

5.1 By the individual Committee of the Club concerned; or

5.2 By any two voting members of the Club concerned (voting members are full ordinary members of the respective Clubs);

All nominations shall be given to the Honorary Secretary of the Club concerned at least 28 days prior to the Annual General Meeting of that Club. A complete list of nominees (Officers and Council) together with the Proposers and Seconders and the names of those offering themselves for re-election, must be included with the notice of Annual General Meeting posted on the Club notice board in the Club Facilities for at least 14 days prior to the date of the particular Annual General Meeting. The respective Councils shall have power to fill vacancies in any of these offices (including membership of its Council) during any year. The persons so appointed shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting of the particular Club.

At any General Meeting, if the election of a continuing member of Council to a position as an Office Bearer will leave a vacancy on the Council, then such vacancy shall be filled at that Annual General Meeting from candidates already nominated for membership of the Council.

The office of any Office Bearer shall be vacated by such Office Bearer resigning therefrom or on ceasing to be a member of Greenacres Golf Centre or being removed by resolution at an Annual General Meeting of the appropriate Club.

Council Nominations
To fulfil Rule 5 Mark Magee, Paul McAlister, Aaron Hynds, Stephen Cullen, Alister McKeever and Aaron Anderson will retire from council.

Your Council has proposed the Office Bearers and Council Members for the year 2024/2025 (Subject to election / re-election) as follows:

To fulfil the Rule 5 the following will offer themselves for re-election

MemberProposed BySeconded By
Stephen CullenSimon HopperKeith Hanna
Alister McKeeverWallace CrawfordStephen Cullen
Aaron AndersonTrevor NuttAlister McKeever

The Honorary Secretary received the following nominations:

MemberProposed BySeconded By
Stephen HallidayWallace CrawfordTrevor McMillan
Roger BairdGeorge BairdTrevor Nutt
Stephen MonroeTerry JohnstonWallace Crawford
Colin SullivanDavid LynnColin Bateson

Election of Office Bearers

The council has proposed the following members to serve as Office Bearers for the 2024 to 2025 season.

CaptainKeith Hanna
Vice-CaptainGeorge Baird
Honorary SecretaryStephen Cullen *
Honorary TreasurerStephen Halliday *
Match & Handicap SecretaryKeith Hanna

Any Other Business

Questions Received

  1. No questions received