Saturday 1st October – Yellow Ball
18 Hole Stableford Competition played from the White Tee Boxes. See format below *
Saturday 8th October – Turkey Shoot
18 Hole Stableford Competition; played from the Blue Tee Boxes.
Saturday 15th October – Saturday Stableford
18 Hole Stableford Competition; played from the Blue Tee Boxes.
Saturday 22nd October – Saturday Stableford
18 Hole Stableford Competition; played from the Blue Tee Boxes.
Saturday 29th October – Saturday Stableford
Further details to follow
Saturday 5th November – Winter League
More details to follow but weather dependent will start no later than Saturday 5th November.
Entry will be £5, which members can pay now by dropping into the M&H slot of the Cabinet.
* Yellow Ball Format
In addition to the Stableford competition each fourball is given an addition score card to record their team’s points and a yellow ball; with members taking in sequence to play with the yellow ball and record their score for that hole on the additional score card. Once the yellow ball is lost the team cannot score any more points. Members MUST use the yellow ball provided and return it at the end of the round.
On the additional score card, please write the names of all members in your group in order they are going to play the yellow ball or write the number in which you played in the GI No column.
Then record the player’s, using the yellow ball, gross score and their stableford points on the additional score card. The winners are the team with the highest stableford points. If the order or score per hole is not obvious the team may be disqualified from the competition.
If playing as a fourball members will play with the yellow ball at
Player 1 – Holes 1, 5, 9 , 13 and 17
Player 2 – Holes 2, 6, 10, 14 and 18
Player 3 – Holes 3, 7, 11 and 15
Player 4 – Holes 4, 8, 12, and 16
Sunday Winter League – Sunday to Tuesday
18 Hole Stableford played from the Blue or Winter Tees as directed. Start Date to be confirmed.
Midweek Competition – Wednesday to Friday
18 Hole Stableford played from the Blue or Winter Tees as directed. Start Date to be confirmed.
60 Plus Winter League – Monday to Friday
14 Hole Stableford played from the Blue or Winter Tees as directed. Start Date to be confirmed.
When the competition starts, as the scores will not be acceptable for handicapping, members will be allowed to enter every day from Monday to Friday.
IMPORTANT – Playing Conditions / Acceptable Scores
- Until further notice the ball MUST be played as it lies.
- When the time comes, we move to local rules E2 and E3 as explained below.
- Finally, when we move to Winter Mats if not before, members will be allowed to lift, clean, and place the ball through the green.
While the ball is being played as it lies or under local rules E2 and E3 scores will be acceptable for handicapping.
When we allow members to place the ball through the green, scores will not be acceptable for handicapping. Any scores uploaded to Golf Ireland during this time at Greenacres will be deleted.
At all times we will keep members informed
E-2 Cleaning Ball
When a player’s ball lies in the general area, the ball may be lifted, cleaned, and replaced without penalty. The player must mark the spot before lifting the ball (see Rule 14.1) and the ball must be replaced on its original spot (see Rule 14.2).
E-3 Preferred Lies
When a player’s ball lies in the general area cut to fairway height or less, the player may take free relief once by placing the original ball or another ball in and playing it from this relief area:
Reference Point:
Spot of the original ball.
Size of Relief Area Measured from Reference Point:
6 inches from the reference point, but with these limits:
Limits on Location of Relief Area:
It must not be nearer the hole than the reference point and must be in the general area.
In proceeding under this Local Rule, the player must choose a spot to place the ball and use the procedures for replacing a ball under Rules 14.2b(2) and 14.2e.
The penalty for breach of these Local Rule is the General Penalty
Rules Explained
E-2 Cleaning Ball
When a player’s ball lies in the general area which is previously called through the green the ball may be lifted, cleaned, and replaced on its original spot without penalty. [See full wording above]
E-3 Preferred Lies
When a player’s ball lies on the fairway only the player may take free relief by lifting, cleaning, and placing a ball within six inches of the original spot. [See full wording above]