Prior to the Covid 19 restrictions members were expected to sign into and return score cards using the Touch Screen in the members room. Now due to the necessary restrictions we are asking members to use the HowDidiDo website and app instead.
Sign In [You do not need to sign into the Saturday competitions]
Sign will open at 8pm on the day before the competition and close at 8pm on the evening of the competition. Example: if you plan to play in the Sunday / Monday competition on the Monday you will be able to sign in from 8pm on Sunday evening until 8pm Monday night.
Score Return
On everyday a competition is being played score return will open at 8am on the morning of the competition and close at 8am the following morning. Example: if you are playing on Saturday score return will remain open until 8am on Sunday
Questions Answered
Do I need to complete a score card?
Yes, we are asking members to complete their own score card.
What should be written on the card?
The competition name, your name, the date, and your handicap. The markers name would be beneficial.
Who should sign the card?
Under current rules the only person who needs to sign the card is the player. The marker only needs to verbally verify the score after the round.
Does the score card need returned?
Yes, either electronically to one of the four named officials and/or a copy should be posted into the relevant slot in the box.
When registering on HowDidiDo I cannot find my name, what should I do?
Make sure you are entering the Club as GREENACRES GOLF CENTRE
I have changed my email address, used on HowDidiDo, what should I do?
If you are unable to use the original email you used to register with HowDidiDo, please contact your Golf Club to make sure your handicap record is updated with your new email address, and try registration again. You will then be able to re-claim the player record if both emails matched.