Category: News

Club Update – 27th March 2015

New Stroke Indexes – From Saturday 28th April 

Hole 4 – 15
Hole 9 – 17
Hole 10 – 6
Hole 14 – 4
Hole 17 – 8

All other holes remain the same.

Competitions – w/c 29th March 

All competitions will be lift, clean and place through the green; handicaps will not be adjusted. [this is subject to change based on weather conditions]


29th March – Sunday Trophy Starts

30th March – 5 Day Members & 60 Plus Starts

1st April – 1st Wednesday Competition

4th April – 18 Hole Stroke Competition

11th April – Millennium Cup & 36 Holes Seniors Round 1

Junior Competitions 

31st March, 2nd April, 7th April and 9th April – all 18 hole stableford

Tee Times 

4th April – First Group 7:30am – Everyone approx 1 hour later

11th April – First Group 7:08am – Everyone approx 40 minutes later

Winter League Dinner / Prize Night 

Please let Robert Blundell know if you have changed your mind.

Club Membership Fee 

The Club Membership Fee (£35 full adult) is now overdue; members who have not paid will be removed

from the Club Computer and the Summer Start Sheet by Saturday 4th April.

Match Play Competitions 

Entry closes next weekend on Sunday 5th April

Summer Tee Times 

Please contact Keith Hanna if you wish to change your summer tee time.

Saturday No Show 

Members failing to remove their name from the start sheet will be warned for the first offence for any subsequent offence they will be removed from the Club Computer until the competition fine is paid to the starter. Failure to remove their name for 3 weeks will result member being removed from the master start sheet for the rest of the season.

No Returns 

Members failing to return a score card in any competition will be warned for the first office for any subsequent offence they will be removed from the Club Computer for a period of one week. During this time you will not be able to enter any club competition during this period. Further offences will result in a longer suspension of handicap. 

Winter League 2014/15 – Final Results

Winter League 2014 – 2015 Final Result
Winter League Overall Winner Stephen Lawson 211 £30
60 Plus Overall Winner Desmond McComb 429
Division 1 Name Score Prize
1st Jim Bennett 207 £25
2nd Gary Spratt 206 £20
3rd Allen Agnew 199 (B6) £15
Division 2 Name Score Prize
1st John Rodgers 204 £25
2nd Aaron Campbell 202 £20
3rd Ken Webb 201 £15
Division 3 Name Score Prize
1st Colin Clarke 204 £25
2nd Iain Hutchinson 195 (B6) £20
3rd Michael McGovern 195 (B6) £15
Teams Name Score Prize
1st – Team 36 Nigel Davenport 603 £100
  Keith Ross
  Aaron Campbell
  Alan Glassey
2nd – Team 36 David Coates 584 £80
  Paul Sturgeon
  Ken Webb
  George Gillanders
3rd  – Team 18 Stephen Monroe 582 £60
  Andrew McFarlane
  Frank McFarlane
  Colin Clarke
Highest Points Name Score Prize
Individual Paul Sturgeon 256 £10
Team 17 Chris Simmons 722 £40
Ross Smith
James Ireland
Trevor Heaslip
Members can not win two individual or team prizes

Winter League Update – 19th March 2015

With one week left the leaders in the Winter League competitions are:

Division 1
Gary Spratt – 206
Jim Bennett – 205
Allen Agnew – 199
Keith Ross – 198
Alan Glassey – 198

Division 2
John Rodgers – 204
Aaron Campbell – 201
Ken Webb – 198
James Ireland – 196
Lou Watson – 192

Division 3
Stephen Lawson – 208
Colin Clarke – 201
Samuel Agnew – 195
Iain Hutchinson – 195
David Coates – 195
Stephen Durnien – 195

Team 36 – 603
Team 9 – 584
Team 18 – 582
Team 4 – 578
Team 17 – 577
Team 23 – 576

60 Plus
Desmond McComb – 429
David Forsythe – 426
Samuel Tully – 399

To view the full tables click one of the links below:
Saturday Competition:  Winter League 2014 Table

60 Plus Winter League: 60 Plus Winter 2014