Category: News

Winter League 2016 Update 11

Midweek Competitions update after 21 weeks:

540 – Gary Spratt
529 – Thomas Boyles
501 – Ross Smith

60 Plus *
440 – John Harvey
435 – Desmond McComb
423 – John Jamison

Midweek *
572 – Tommy Clarke
542 – Brendan Faulkner
541 – Brendan Delargy
540 – Desmond McComb

* The number of counting weeks was reduced.

Saturday 9 Hole Competitions after Week 18

Division One
231 – Ian Magee
231 – Keith Hanna
228 – Chris Simmons

Division Two
229 – James Ireland
229 – Desmond Donnelly
227 – Colin Sullivan

Divison Three
226 – Rodney Latham
221 – Lou Watson
215 – Trevor Heaslip

679 – Team 18
677 – Team 10
673 – Team 14

To check your own progress visit the club website

Winter League / Summer 2017

Dated: 5th March 2017 Weeks
Competition Last Competition Total Missed Counting *
60 Plus Winter League Friday 24th March 24 16
Midweek Winter League Friday 24th March 24 16
Winter League Saturday 25th March 21 2 13
Sunday Winter League Sunday 26th March 25 2 15

* The number of counting is subject to change

‘Summer’ Competitions

There will be no 60 Plus or Midweek Competition week commencing Monday 27th March 2017 to accommodate the restoration of members Summer Handicap and the publication of the first Summer Start Sheet

Summer 17 Tee Times

There are summer tee times available for a three/four balls early afternoon. If you would like to be added to one of these slots please put your request in writing to the M&H Secretary via

Also as we have small number of gaps on our start sheet and a list with twenty members looking to move…

Please inform the Match & Handicap Secretary if:

  • You no longer require your summer tee time
  • You are 100% sure another member no longer requires their tee time.

Tee time requests will be dealt with in order received when two or more people have requested the same time frame.