Category: News


Prior to the Covid 19 restrictions members were expected to sign into and return score cards using the Touch Screen in the members room. Now due to the necessary restrictions we are asking members to use the HowDidiDo website and app instead.

Sign In [You do not need to sign into the Saturday competitions]
Sign will open at 8pm on the day before the competition and close at 8pm on the evening of the competition. Example: if you plan to play in the Sunday / Monday competition on the Monday you will be able to sign in from 8pm on Sunday evening until 8pm Monday night.

Score Return
On everyday a competition is being played score return will open at 8am on the morning of the competition and close at 8am the following morning. Example: if you are playing on Saturday score return will remain open until 8am on Sunday

Questions Answered

Do I need to complete a score card?
Yes, we are asking members to complete their own score card.

What should be written on the card?
The competition name, your name, the date, and your handicap. The markers name would be beneficial.

Who should sign the card?
Under current rules the only person who needs to sign the card is the player. The marker only needs to verbally verify the score after the round.

Does the score card need returned?
Yes, either electronically to one of the four named officials and/or a copy should be posted into the relevant slot in the box.

When registering on HowDidiDo I cannot find my name, what should I do?
Make sure you are entering the Club as GREENACRES GOLF CENTRE

I have changed my email address, used on HowDidiDo, what should I do?
If you are unable to use the original email you used to register with HowDidiDo, please contact your Golf Club to make sure your handicap record is updated with your new email address, and try registration again. You will then be able to re-claim the player record if both emails matched.

GUI Protocol – Step Two

Announcement from GUI

In light of the change to Phase 2 in the Irish Republic and the fact that clubs will NOT be permitted to run Club Competitions from 8 June, we are in discussion with the Executive regarding the position in Northern Ireland.

We would hope that Step 2, as previously communicated to you, would remain unchanged in Northern Ireland. In any case, it should be implemented in full by all clubs, until advised to the contrary by the Branch Office.

NI Protocol and Video

Members MUST read the NI Protocol Document and are advised to watch the Stay Safe on the Course video produced by the GUI.

Club Computer / Touch Screen

As the Touch Screen will remain off until further notice, member will NOT be able to:

  • Book / Amend / Cancel a tee time
  • Sign into the Club Competitions
  • Enter Scores once your round has been completed.

Club Competitions

Due to the touch screen being unavailable and the additional administration for the members of Match & Handicap the Golf Club have decided to run only the following competitions:

  • Sunday Sweep – which is played over Sunday and Monday
  • Midweek Sweep – which is played over a Wednesday and Thursday
  • Weekend Sweep – which is played on a Saturday only

Members can only enter the Sunday Sweep and Midweek Sweep once per week.


Members wishing to enter the Sunday Sweep and Midweek Sweeps should book their tee time on the Golf Centre BRS booking system.

The Club will operate a Saturday start sheet for the Weekend Sweep on based on the NI Executive approved GUI Protocol. In step two this is fourballs at twelve minutes intervals from 06:30. The proposed sheet was published earlier today – Draft Summer Master and the live sheet will be able on within the next few days.

As always if you are unable to play at the time you have been allocated the Committee would ask members to remove their names as soon as possible to allow other members to fill your space.

Due to these unprecedented times members failing to remove their name, without a valid reason, will be blocked from all club competitions for one week, and removed from the following weeks start sheet.

Terms of Competitions

Registering intention to return scores for the Saturday Competition

Members MUST register their intention to play in every competition they wish to enter. [This was done previously when you signed into the competition]

For the Saturday Sweep, the ‘Master’ start sheet will be used to register their intention to play. If you do not want to enter the competition, please remove your name from the time sheet.

These time sheets will then be converted into the entry list for each competition.
Members not removing their names and not paying the entry fee, without a valid reason, will be blocked from entering club competitions for one week.

Registering intention to return scores for the Sunday and Midweek

Members MUST register their intention to play in every competition they wish to enter. [This was done previously when you signed into the competition]

To do this you must sign into the computer on the HowDidiDo app or website. You will be able to sign into to each Competition as follows

CompetitionDay PlayedSign In OpensSign In Closes
Sunday Day 1SundaySaturday 20:00Sunday 20:00
Sunday Day 2MondaySunday 20:00Monday 20:00
Wednesday Day 1WednesdayTuesday 20:00Wednesday 20:00
Wednesday Day 2ThursdayWednesday 20:00Thursday 20:00

If you have problem registering your intention to play, please WhatsApp or Text one of the numbers below before starting your round stating your name and the competition you wish to enter.

Registering intention to return scores acceptable for handicapping including supplementary scores

Members who wish to return cards for handicap or supplementary scores should register their intention by sending a WhatsApp or Text to Keith Hanna on 07725015181.

Payment of entry fee

The entry fee for all Club Competitions will be £5 – please bring correct amount as the Golf Centre will not be handling money on our behalf. If the Centre is not open for the early starters on Saturday please pay after your round.

Place your money into the envelopes provided then write on the outside of the envelope:

  • your name and anyone else you are paying into the competition
  • the date
  • the name of the competition you are entering into

The envelope should then be placed into the relevant slot in the cabinet.

These will be matched to the entry list, prior to the competition being closed. If the Entry fee has not been paid the member will be disqualified from the competition but the score will be acceptable for handicapping purposes.

Scorecard issue / collection
Scorecards should be collected from reception when checking in.

In addition to the normal requirements under Rule 3.3b a player will be responsible for recording their name, the name and date of the competition on the scorecard.

Cards should not be swapped, and players should mark their own score for each hole on the scorecard.


The Golf Centre was only allowed to open after signing up to the NI Protocol agreed between the GUI and the NI Executive. Members are asked to read it in full on but to ensure that the game is played safely, golfers must observe the following rules.

  • If you are ill or have symptoms, stay at home.
  • Under no circumstances should you arrive at the club without booking in advance.
  • Aim to arrive at the club no more than 15 minutes prior to play.
  • Observe physical distancing rules at all times following your arrival at the club.
  • Do not arrive at the first tee more than 5 minutes before your allotted tee time.
  • Observe physical distancing at all times on the course.
  • Following play of a hole, do not enter the next teeing ground until all members of the group in front have played their tee-shots and exited the teeing ground.
  • If your ball is lost, unplayable, or in a penalty area, don’t take an option under the rules that involves doubling back on your position on the course. Instead, use an option that allows you to keep your position on the course.


  • Flagsticks must always remain in the hole.
  • The depth of the hole has been modified to allow players to remove the ball without touching the flagstick.
  • In this case the ball will be considered holed if any part of the ball is at rest below the surface of the putting green, even if not lodged against the flagstick


  • Players are allowed to smooth the bunkers using either their foot or a club after playing their stroke.
  • Have introduced a local rule allowing preferred lies in the bunker following the provisions for a ball in the general area (MLR E-3). The relief area permitted is 6 inches from the reference point.  Note the area may not be smoothed before placing.


To allow groups to keep their position on the course, players are encouraged to play provisional balls if there is a chance that the ball may be lost outside a penalty area or be out of bounds.


Under R&A guidance the Match & Handicap Committee have decided to allow the following alternative methods of scoring

  • Players should mark their own score for each hole on the scorecard.
  • At the end of the round your marker does not have to physically certify [sign] your scorecard. Instead you should ask them to verbally agree your score and you should mark their name clearly in the markers space.

Players are still required to ensure their handicap is recorded on the scorecard and sign it to certify your scores.

Score Return
A player should use the HowDidiDo App to return your score electronically and a copy of the score card should either be dropped into the relevant slot in the cabinet or a copy sent via WhatsApp or Text to one of the numbers below.

CompetitionDay PlayedScore Entry OpensScore Entry Closes
Sunday Day 1SundaySunday 8:00Monday 8:00
Sunday Day 2MondayMonday 8:00Tuesday 8:00
Wednesday Day 1WednesdayWednesday 8:00Thursday 8:00
Wednesday Day 2ThursdayThursday 8:00Friday 8:00
Saturday`SaturdaySaturday 8:00Sunday 8:00

If you are having problems with the app please take a photograph of your card and send it preferably via WhatsApp or text to one of the numbers below.

The result of the competition will be final once the scores have been manually entered and the competition has been closed on the Club V1 Handicapping software by a member of the Match & Handicap Committee.

The Committee will endeavour to close competitions and publish the results quickly as possible, but inevitably this process will take longer than normal due to the additional input the Match & Handicap Committee must undertake

Contact Numbers

Keith Hanna077 2501 5181
Robert (Rab) Blundell078 5547 1172
Brian Robinson074 2762 6769
Stephen Cullen079 2909 1917

Update from Golf Centre

With the NI Executive approving the move to step two of the GUI Protocol you will notice a couple of changes to the BRS Booking System.  From Monday 8th June through to Thursday 11th June we will be operating at fifteen-minute intervals with fourballs permitted. Then from Friday 12th June the time sheet has been changed to the newly approved twelve-minute intervals.

If you are on the BRS site or App today you will notice there are limited times available on the Saturday sheet, this is due to the reintroduction of competitions for Golf Club members and they manage these tee times through their own system on

The Club will be publishing full details on how it plans to run these competitions under the NI Protocol on their website over the next few days.

If you are a new member of the Golf Centre and want to become a member of the Golf Club, please and we would encourage you to read the new members guide on this page.

IMPORTANT: Both the Golf Centre and separate Golf Club fee need to be paid to retain access to tee time booking systems.  Members who have not paid up will be removed from the start sheets to free up times for fully paid up members.