Category: News

36 Hole Club Championship

Date: Saturday 21st to Tuesday 24th August 2021

Members are asked to enter the Saturday 21st Competition and the Sunday competition which runs from 22nd to 24th August. Your entry fee into the Sunday Competition will be funded by the Club.

The winner will be the qualifier with the lowest nett scores over the 36 holes.

Members are asked to confirm their availability to play both rounds by ticking the sheet on the notice board.

 Score 1Score 2Total
Michael Rice6964133
Paul Sturgeon7262134
Stephen Cullen6668134
Steve Manger6570135
Jim McDowell6571136
Niall Dunn7166137
Clifford Huggins6671137
Trevor Heaslip7167138
Gary Moore6969138
Eric Strong6969138
Kirk Vokes7465139
Jonathan Wilson6970139
Colin Bateson7070140
Colin Sullivan7070140
Paul McAlister7070140
Chris Reid6773140
Arthur McElevey6773140
Ian Conley6773140
Bradley Buchanan7368141
Paul Nicholl7269141
Noel McWhirter7170141
Jim Osborne7071141
Graeme Thompson6972141
Morgan Cromer7468142
Dominic Millar7468142
Andrew Walsh7270142
Alan French7171142
Trevor Nutt7171142
Aaron Maule7171142
Mervyn Graham7072142
David Lynn7072142

Changes to Golf Ireland Protocol

As Golf Ireland have issued a change to the guidelines relating to Flagsticks and Bunkers. The Golf Centre will be removing the hole liners and putting the rakes back out on the course in time for the competition on Saturday 24th July 2021.

From this date onwards


  • Members are asked to use the rakes provided and leave the bunker as they would expect to find it.
  • Only one player should handle the rake where more than one player’s ball is played from a bunker.
  • The local rule permitted placing within a bunker will no longer be in operation.


  • Members will be permitted to remove the flagstick
  • When doing so only one player should handle the flagstick on each hole.

Although the risk of surface transmission is generally considered to be low, we would strongly recommend members wash their hands before and after their rounds and make use of the hand sanitiser provided.

To read their news post in full visit the following link

Golf Ireland Revised Guidelines

Saturday 10th July

Tom Brown Team Trophy

In addition to the normal stableford prizes the overall prize for Saturday 10th July will go to the team with the highest stableford points. As this is four-man team competition members are encouraged to make up fourballs were possible. This does not stop members playing in groups with less returning a team score, but you are limiting your chance of winning.

There is no additional entry fee for the team competition.

Each tee time should then take an additional score card and write the names, handicap index and playing handicap of every member of the group on the card to record their team points.

On each hole members should record the stableford points for all players in the relevant column A, B, C and D. Then total up the points as follows:

On Holes 1 to 6 – Total the best two points scored together
On Holes 7 to 12 – Total the best three points scored together
On Holes 13 to 18 – Total all the points scored together