Category: Saturday 2017

Pollock Shield 2017

Date: Saturday 19th August 2017
  Member Score
Pollock Shield Jonathan Hall 48
Division 1 Member Score
1st Keith Bannister 39
2nd Paul Morrison 36
3rd Paul Frew 36
Division 2 Member Score
1st Stuart Lewis 38
2nd Eric Strong 38
3rd Alan Martin 36
Division 3 Member Score
1st Gareth Stevenson 39
2nd Adam McVeigh 37
3rd Lou Watson 35
Best Gross Jonathan Hall 75
2’s Paid: £9.75  
3rd Hole 6th Hole 11th Hole
Frank McFarlane Ian McCrory Ross McFaul
Robert Lenaghan Jnr David Ferguson
Hugh O’Neill Hugh O’Neill
David Fenner Brian Taylor
Ian Gilchrist
Lou Watson
13th Hole 16th Hole 15th Hole
Simon Hopper
Stuart Wilson
Clifford Andrews
* Did not enter CSS: 70

Tommy Tosh’s Presidents Day 2017

Date: Saturday 12th August 2017
  Members Score
Presidents Prize Gavin McVeigh 41
Best Gross Stephen Warnock 72
Division 1 Member Score
1st Stephen Halliday 39
2nd Jim Bennett 39
3rd Anthony McCullough 38
Division 2 Member Score
1st Mervyn Graham 38
2nd Greg Hughes 38
3rd David Carmichael 36
Division 3 Member Score
1st Trevor Heaslip 41
2nd Gary Lennox 36
3rd   Lou Watson 36
60 Plus Bruce Rimmington 34
Ladies 1st Place Amanda Wallace 38
Ladies 2nd Place Barbara Burns 34 (BB9)
Ladies 3rd Place Margaret Hayes 34
Junior 1st Place Conor Joynson 38
Junior 2nd Place Ross Campbell 34 (BB9)
Junior 3rd Place William Beatty 34 (BB9)
Visitor Jack Audley 37
Nearest the Pin – 3rd Jim Osborne 12’ 3’’
Nearest the Pin – 6th Lou Watson 2’ 4’’
Longest Drive – 7th Curtis Sturgeon
60+ Longest Drive John Moreland
Nearest the Pin – 16th Jim McCabe 8’ 11’’
Longest Drive – 17th Curtis Sturgeon
2’s Paid: £10.50  
3rd Hole 6th Hole 11th Hole
Stephen Warnock Paul Frew Stephen Halliday
Keith Hanna Ryan Thompson
Ross Smith
  Jack Audley *  
  John Harvey  
  Trevor McMillan  
  Paul Trimble  
  James McCabe  
  George Baird  
  Keaton Morrison  
13th Hole 16th Hole 1st Hole
Samuel Coates Ken Webb Michael Patterson
Archie Lewis * Aaron Hynds
Paul Lavery
* Did not enter CSS: 70

Campbell McCleave 2017

Date: Saturday 5th August 2017
  Member Score
Campbell McCleave William Beatty
Ross McFaul
Division 1 Member Score
1st William Beatty 40
2nd Stephen Cullen 38
3rd Ben Crawford 38
Division 2 Member Score
1st David Fennor 43
2nd Ryan Lennox 42
3rd Stephen Lawson 41
Division 3 Member Score
1st Neil Wilson 39
2nd Raymond Tibbles 38
3rd Paul Trimble 38
Best Gross William Beatty 71
2’s Paid: £7  
3rd Hole 6th Hole 11th Hole
Aaron Hynds David Fenner
William Beatty Mark Hardy
Stephen Halliday Martin Morgan
13th Hole 16th Hole  
Ross McFaul Ryan Thompson
Eric Strong *
Stephen Chivers
* Did not enter CSS: 70