Category: Saturday 2017

Yellow Ball 2017

Date: Saturday 7th October 2017
Member Score
Yellow Ball Colin Clarke
Stephen Monroe
Frank McFarlane
Andrew McFarlane
Division 1 Member Score
1st Keith Bannister 40
2nd Neil Linton 39
3rd Jonathan Hall 39
Division 2 Member Score
1st John Rodgers 41
2nd Desmond Donnelly 38
3rd Alfie Axon 38
Division 3 Member Score
1st Robert Arneill 39
2nd Bruce Rimmington 35
3rd Lewis Moore 35
2’s Paid: £9.00  
3rd Hole 6th Hole 11th Hole
David Fisher Keith Hanna Keith Bannister
David Lynn Gareth Elder
Colin Bateson
Stephen Monroe
Desmond Donnelly
Robert Arneill
13th Hole 16th Hole  
Neil Linton Roger Baird
Stephen Halliday
* Did not enter CSS: 70

Club Masters 2017

Date: Saturday 30th September 2017
Member Score
Golfer of the Year Keith Bannister 321
Club Masters Paul Morrison 39
Division 1 Member Score
1st Keith Ross 39
2nd Trevor McMillan 36
3rd Colin Bateson 36
Division 2 Member Score
1st David Carmichael 40
2nd Gerald King 39
3rd Stephen Fox 38
Division 3 Member Score
1st Bruce Rimmington 39
2nd Bryan McCrum 37
3rd Desmond McComb 36
2’s Paid: £15.00  
3rd Hole 6th Hole 11th Hole
Harry Simpson Brian Abernethy Edward McIntosh
Keith Ross Anthony McCullough
Jim Ireland Andrew Mirfield
Lou Watson
13th Hole 16th Hole  
* Did not enter CSS: 70

Davidson Cup and Sam Heslip Memorial 2017

Date: Saturday 23rd September 2017
Member Score
Davidson Cup Mark Magee 68 + 68 + 68 + 70
Sam Heslip Keith Bannister 63
Best Gross Keith Bannister 75 (BB6)
Division 1 Member Score
1st David Fisher 66
2nd Aaron Reid 68
3rd Chris Simmons 68
Division 2 Member Score
1st Hugh O’Neill 67
2nd Dylan Johnston 69
3rd Martin Tabb 69
Division 3 Member Score
1st Robert Arneill 66
2nd Gary Lennox 69
3rd Trevor Heaslip 70
2’s Paid: £5.00 (tbc)  
3rd Hole 6th Hole 11th Hole
David Fisher Ken Webb Aaron Reid
Aaron Hynds Brendan Faulkner
Jim Osborne
Gary Moore
Chris Simmons
Terry Park
Stephen Fox
13th Hole 16th Hole  
Ryan Lennox
* Did not enter CSS: 70

Click the link for the full list of Davidson Cup results for 2017