Category: Men’s Competitions

Midweek Competitions 2014

The 5 Day Members Trophy 2014
The 5 Day Members Trophy will be played between Monday 31st March and Friday 12th September.  Winner – The 5 Day member with the best total points for 2/3 of the weeks played. Follow your progress by clicking the following link.

2014 5 Day Members Trophy (PDF) »

The Over 60’s Trophy 2014
The Over 60’s Trophy will be played between between Monday 31st March and Friday 12th September. Winner – The Over 60’s member with the best total points for 2/3 of the weeks played. Follow your progress by clicking the following link.

2014 60 Plus Trophy (PDF) »

The Sunday Trophy 2014
The Sunday Trophy will be played between 6th April and 14th September. Winner – The member with the best total points for 2/3 of the weeks played. Follow your progress by clicking the following link.

2014 Sunday Trophy (PDF) »

Golfer of the Year 2014

Order of Merit points are awarded for each identified competition for the top forty ‘best’ scores across all sections/divisions. The member with the highest points total at the end of the season wins ‘Golfer of the Year’. Follow your progress by clicking the link below.

Order of Merit 2014 (PDF) »

Season Championship – Sam Heslip Memorial

The top twenty five members on the season long Order of Merit after the previous Saturday’s competition will compete for the ‘Season Championship’. The qualifier with the lowest nett score will win the trophy.

Tuesday 15th July 2014

Bank Holiday Competition

Name Score Handicap New Handicap Prize
Robert McGrann 39 19 * 18 15
Gary Spratt 37 12 12.4 5
Allen Agnew 37 8 7.7
Terry Park 34 19 19
Phillip Blackburne 33 20 19.7
Gary Blair 33 13 13.4
Paul Milne 33 17 17.4
Nigel Davenport 32 9 9.4
Mark Magee 30 9 8.6
David Irvine 28 13 13.1
Gerard Crossley 26 21 21.4