The competitions on Saturday 9th and Saturday 16th were both abandoned because the course was closed.
Saturday 9th September
The course was closed shortly after the third group completed their round. As there were so few competitors returned scores the competition was cancelled.
Saturday 16th September
The course was closed shortly after the 9:21 group completed their round. As over 65 members returned score the competition will be converted to a sweep with prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each section and 2’s paid out. The scores returned will not count towards the Davidson Cup. Instead this will be re-arranged as per below.
Saturday 23rd September
The plan, weather permitting, is to hold two competitions on Saturday 23rd September. The Davidson Cup for all members and the Sam Heaslip Memorial for those members in the top 25 of the Order of Merit.
All members who paid an entry fee after 9:21 will be entitled to a free week.