2021 AGM Notice

The Annual General Meeting of Greenacres (Men’s) Golf Club will be held on Wednesday 10th March 2021 at 7pm

As there is a very high possibility the NI Executive restrictions will still be in place and to protect our members the Council have decided to hold the 2021 AGM using the Zoom Video Conference application.

To ensure the evening runs smoothly the Council will publish the Secretary’s and Sub-Committee reports by 17th February 2021. Once these reports have been published, we would encourage members to read them and submit any questions they have by 24th February 2021. The same date will apply for members wishing to ask a question under A.O.B.

All questions should be sent to the Honorary Secretary via the email address secretary@greenacres-golfclub.co.uk

Questions submitted by the 24th February and the corresponding answers will be published prior to the meeting on the 10th March.

The one exception to this will be the Treasurers report, which will be delivered on the evening and members given the opportunity to ask questions.

1.Introductory Remarks – Club CaptainMark Magee
2.Minutes of 2020 Annual General MeetingRab Blundell
3.Annual Reports 
 Honorary SecretaryRab Blundell
 Honorary TreasurerSimon Hopper
4.Reports from Sub-Committee Chairmen 
 General Purposes/DisciplinaryRab Blundell
 LiaisonRab Blundell
 Match & HandicapKeith Hanna
 CompetitionsKeith Hanna
 Social & CharityMark Magee
5.Election of Officers and Members of Council for 2021/2022(See Rule 5)
6.Any Other Business 

Rule 5

All officers and members of the Committees shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting. Captains of both Men’s and Ladies’ Clubs shall retire after one years’ service and shall be succeeded by the Vice-Captain of each Club, provided always that the members at the Annual General Meeting may vote that the outgoing Captain should serve in that capacity for a longer period. In such event, the tenure of office of the Vice-Captain shall be extended for a similar period. Council Office Bearers and Ordinary Committee Members shall hold office for two years, and one half of such members shall retire at each Annual General Meeting and shall be eligible for re-election (subject to drawing of lots if necessary, to decide those retiring).

Election of Officers and Members of Council for 2021/2022

As the Honorary Secretary has received a letter of resignation from Brian Robinson the following members of Council will retire from office to fulfil the requirements of rule five: Simon Hopper, Aaron Hynds, Robert Blundell, and George Baird.

Your Council then proposes members vote the outgoing Captain Mark Magee, serve in the capacity for an additional year and in doing so the tenure of office of the Vice-Captain held by Simon Hopper will be extended for a similar period.

The Council have also received nominations for the four members listed above to stand for re-election and based on these nominations propose your Council for the 2021/2022 season as follows, subject to election.

CaptainMark Magee
PresidentWallace Crawford
Vice-CaptainSimon Hopper *
Immediate Past CaptainAaron Hynds *
Honorary SecretaryStephen Cullen
Honorary TreasurerSimon Hopper
Match & Handicap SecretaryKeith Hanna
Council MemberGeorge Baird *
Council MemberRobert Blundell *
Council MemberAlister McKeever
* subject to re-election

Members wishing to propose a member to the vacant slot on the Council should do so in writing, via email, to the Honorary Secretary prior to 10th February 2021.

Rab Blundell
Honorary Secretary