Category: News

Winter League Update – 19th March 2015

With one week left the leaders in the Winter League competitions are:

Division 1
Gary Spratt – 206
Jim Bennett – 205
Allen Agnew – 199
Keith Ross – 198
Alan Glassey – 198

Division 2
John Rodgers – 204
Aaron Campbell – 201
Ken Webb – 198
James Ireland – 196
Lou Watson – 192

Division 3
Stephen Lawson – 208
Colin Clarke – 201
Samuel Agnew – 195
Iain Hutchinson – 195
David Coates – 195
Stephen Durnien – 195

Team 36 – 603
Team 9 – 584
Team 18 – 582
Team 4 – 578
Team 17 – 577
Team 23 – 576

60 Plus
Desmond McComb – 429
David Forsythe – 426
Samuel Tully – 399

To view the full tables click one of the links below:
Saturday Competition:  Winter League 2014 Table

60 Plus Winter League: 60 Plus Winter 2014

Competition Changes

Changes that have been made to the club competitions for 2015 are

  • On the Club’s Charity day we are going to play a Texas Scramble
  • The Matchplay Pairs will be played as a Foursomes competition as the winners progress to the Irish Mail All Ireland Foursomes plus as a club we enter the Pierce Purcell and Jimmy Bruen both of which are played in this format.
  • The 36 Hole Club Champion will revert back to being played on a Saturday which will impact on members tee times.
  • We are also in early discussions with a golf retailer about sponsoring a competition, more information will follow if finalised.

For a full list of competitions see the 2015 Competition Schedule