Category: News

Winter League 2016 Update 7

Midweek Competitions update after 17 weeks:

448 – Thomas Boyles
419 – Ross Smith
400 – Gary Spratt

60 Plus
427 – John Harvey
413 – Desmond McComb
400 – Robert Boyd

459 – Tommy Clarke
457 – Desmond McComb
433 – Brendan Faulkner

Saturday 9 Hole Competitions after Week 14

Division One
217 – Ian Magee
217 – Jim Bennett
213 – David Lynn

Division Two
223 – Desmond Donnelly
215 – Colin Sullivan
215 – James Ireland

Divison Three
214 – Iain Hutchinson
197 – Trevor Heaslip
197 – Raymond Tibbles

659 – Team 14
649 – Team 18
649 – Team 28

To check your own progress visit the club website

Winter League 2016 Update 5

Midweek Competitions update after 16 weeks:

419 – Ross Smith
412 – Thomas Boyles
383 – Michael Pauley

60 Plus
408 – John Harvey
383 – Desmond McComb
372 – Robert Boyd

426 – Desmond McComb
423 – Tommy Clarke
399 – Brendan Faulkner

Saturday 9 Hole Competitions after Week 13

Division One
204 – Ian Magee
197 – Jim Bennett
197 – David Lynn
197 – Nigel Davenport

Division Two
207 – Desmond Donnelly
199 – James Ireland
199 – Colin Sullivan

Divison Three
200 – Iain Hutchinson
183 – Keith Sloan
183 – Trevor Heaslip

605 – Team 14
601 – Team 18
600 – Team 28

To check your own progress visit the club website

Winter League 2016 Update 4

Midweek Competitions update after 15 weeks:

387 – Ross Smith
373 – Thomas Boyles
347 – Michael Pauley

60 Plus
382 – John Harvey
354 – Desmond McComb
348 – Robert Boyd

396 – Desmond McComb
386 – Yommy Clarke
367 – Stephen Warnock

Saturday 9 Hole Competitions after Week 12

Division One
184 – Ian Magee
181 – Jim Bennett
179 – David Lynn

Division Two
190 – Desmond Donnelly
183 – James Ireland
176 – Colin Sullivan

Divison Three
183 – Iain Hutchinson
169 – Keith Sloan
166 – Trevor Heaslip

555 – Team 14
550 – Team 18
547 – Team 28

To check your own progress visit the club website