Category: News

Winter League 2016 Update 10

Midweek Competitions update after 20 weeks:

510 – Gary Spratt
507 – Thomas Boyles
501 – Ross Smith

60 Plus
457 – John Harvey
454 – Desmond McComb
439 – John Jamison

570 – Tommy Clarke
560 – Desmond McComb
534 – Brendan Faulkner

Saturday 9 Hole Competitions after Week 17

Division One
231 – Ian Magee
231 – Ian Magee
228 – Chris Simmons

Division Two
229 – James Ireland
229 – Desmond Donnelly
227 – Colin Sullivan

Divison Three
226 – Rodney Latham
221 – Lou Watson
215 – Trevor Heaslip

679 – Team 18
677 – Team 10
673 – Team 14

To check your own progress visit the club website

Winter League 2016 Update 9

Midweek Competitions update after 19 weeks:

507 – Thomas Boyles
486 – Ross Smith
472 – Gary Spratt

60 Plus
454 – John Harvey
442 – Desmond McComb
408 – John Wright

535 – Tommy Clarke
526 – Desmond McComb
501 – Brendan Faulkner

Saturday 9 Hole Competitions after Week 16

Division One
229 – Keith Hanna
228 – Ian Magee
225 – Chris Simmons

Division Two
228 – James Ireland
225 – Desmond Donnelly
223 – Colin Sullivan

Divison Three
221 – Lou Watson
214 – Iain Hutchinson
208 – Trevor Heaslip

676 – Team 18
666 – Team 10
664 – Team 28

To check your own progress visit the club website

Winter League 2016 Update 8

Midweek Competitions update after 18 weeks:

477 – Thomas Boyles
448 – Ross Smith
436 – Kenneth McFall

60 Plus
442 – Desmond McComb
440 – John Harvey
404 – Robert Boyd

498 – Tommy Clarke
493 – Desmond McComb
464 – Brendan Faulkner

Saturday 9 Hole Competitions after Week 14

Division One
223 – Ian Magee
220 – Keith Hanna
219 – Chris Simmons

Division Two
225 – Desmond Donnelly
221 – Colin Sullivan
221 – James Ireland

Divison Three
214 – Iain Hutchinson
201 – Raymond Tibbles
199 – Lou Watson

662- Team 14
660 – Team 18
656 – Team 28

To check your own progress visit the club website