Category: News

Grand Prize Draw

Take the opportunity to win Free Membership to next season 2024/25 at Greenacres Golf Centre.

Buy a Square for £10 each and there will be two first place prizes for Free Membership with many other smaller prizes included.

You must be over the age of 18 to be eligible to purchase a square with a chance to win.

The prize draw is open to all male & female members and also to all visitors to the Centre. You can purchase a square from the display at reception.

When buying a square can you ensure you include your name and contact details

The draw will take place when all squares are sold with the results being displayed on the members notice board and on our website

Campbell McCleave Format

This will be played as better ball competition with the top eight Stableford points and ties qualifying for a Four Ball Match Play competition. The draw for the Match Play will be seeded and Match Play rules will apply for each match.

Entry Fee

Competition Entry Fee is £5 per member, regardless if you are entering the pairs competition.

Computer Sign In

All members should sign into the Campbell McCleave (Singles) competition. Members wishing to enter the pairs should also sign into the Campbell McCleave Pairs competition.

When the first person ‘signs into’ the Pairs they will be asked to select their other member of the team. Once selected you will be asked to sign your team into the competition.

Scores Cards

All members should complete a score card for the Stableford competition as you would do normally.

All members playing in the pairs competition should take an additional score card, write the names of both players and record the gross scores for each player. Rules of Golf 23.2 – Scoring in Four-Ball applies.

Score Return

Scores for the singles Stableford competition should be entered into the Campbell McCleave (Singles) and the signed card posted into the Saturday slot.

Scores for the Pairs competition should be entered into the Campbell McCleave Pairs competition and the signed card posted into the Captains slot.

Highlighted Local Rules

From Saturday 1st April:

  • Internal Out of Bounds between 8th and 13th [Removed in 2020]
  • Out of Bounds on the right-hand side of the 14th general area has been removed.
  • During play of the 14th Hole, in or over the burnt line on THE LEFT-HAND SIDE of the general area is out of bounds.
  • During play of the 15th Hole, in or over the burnt line on the left-hand side of the general area is out of bounds.
  • The path on either side of the 12th hole is Immovable Obstructions
  • The ground around the bunkers that have been filled in or reshaped is to be treated as a No Play Zone in the Ground Under Repair even it not clearly marked.  Which means members MUST not play from these areas.
  • When playing the 18th hole the raised area on the left-hand side of the general area is a red penalty area. Until the area has been clearly marked, the edges of the penalty will be defined as where the ground starts to rise to the mound.  All other ground is part of the general area.
  • In the same area the wooden grass box is an immovable obstruction and although the grass is not piled for remove the Handicap Committee have declared it as Ground Under Repair.

Full list of Local Rules

Members Notice Board