Category: News

CoronaVirus / COVID-19

The Golf Club have taken the decision to cancel all club competitions until 28th March 2020 to give us time to formulate a strategy with the Golf Centre on how to proceed during the Covid- 19 Pandemic.

The most important message is the the Golf Course and the Golf Centre including the driving range remain open.

Saturday 21st March 2020

After discussion with the Golf Centre we have decided NOT to publish a start sheet for the morning of Saturday 21st March 2020. The Golf Centre will make the final decision in the morning on whether to split members over two nine hole courses or permit everyone to play eighteen holes based on the numbers turning up.

The Golf Club would ask members to follow their guidance as they do their best to get everyone out onto the course for a round.

The BRS Booking system will be in operation from 12: 36 for Visitors and Members.

GUI & ILGU joint statement [read full statement]

The following has been taken from the statement

Golf club members can still play and enjoy their golf while acting within the guidelines issued by the Health Service Executive in the Republic of Ireland and Public Health Agency in Northern Ireland.

As it stands, the period of restriction is due to end on 29th March 2020, however it is anticipated that this will be extended.

To provide competitors and host venues certainty for the immediate future, all GUI and ILGU Championships, inter-club matches and practice sessions, Provincial, District, Regional, National Coaching and World Handicap System meetings scheduled up to and including 30th April 2020 will not take place

Note: The period of restriction referenced above relates to the decision of the government in the Republic of Ireland has made to limit public movement. It is recognised that different protocols may be in operation in Northern Ireland. The decisions and recommendations published by the Unions will apply to all golf clubs.

The restrictions do not prevent rounds of golf taking place, however we need to be cogniscant of the social nature of our game and how this element of it is impacted.

It is important that clubs and members demonstrate social distancing practices to help prevent the spread of infection.

Golf needs to demonstrate total compliance with the instructions laid out by the health authorities.

All golf clubs should, at this time, aim to keep their members and staff safe and well.

As such, everyone should be keenly aware of the vulnerabilities golf clubs will face:

  • The older age profile of golf club memberships than of the general population must be borne in mind
  • Groups having close and prolonged contact should be avoided.
  • The social aspect of golf clubs should be curtailed, including limiting the potential for social interaction in accordance with the guidelines as issued.
  • Common courtesies – handshakes and other embraces associated with the etiquette of the game – should be avoided and participants may bump elbows as an alternative.
  • Social meals for groups in the clubhouse should be avoided

Golf Clubs should observe the need for the following:

  • Increased social distancing
  • Ask members not to come into the clubhouse with colds or any symptoms of COVID-19
  • Handling of scorecards is a vulnerability. It should be borne in mind that since the revision of the Rules of Golf in 2019, scorecards can now be in electronic form (via phone app etc) and the Committee can specify a method of electronic certification if this option is taken. Where this is not an option, competitions should be discouraged.

    Some other measures that clubs may like to consider include:
  • All ball washers, bins, sand bags, benches and divot boxes could be taken in off the course.
  • All bunker rakes could be removed where players play the ball as it lies if possible. Alternatively players can lift, smooth the sand with their foot and place the ball.
  • Clubs can choose to instruct players to leave the flag in the hole unattended at all times.
  • Only permitting one person per buggy in line with social distancing guidelines


All golf clubs should note, act upon and continually monitor the advice and guidance issued by the Health Service Executive (Republic of Ireland) and the National Health Service and Public Health Agency (Northern Ireland) in relation to the current coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

It is important that we all work together, following the advice of experts, in controlling the spread of COVID-19 infection.

This is a very fluid situation and we ask clubs to monitor the latest advice regularly.

Davidson Cup 2019 – Final Result

MemberRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Total
Aaron Campbell71626973275
Chris Simmons70696771277
Keith Bannister71716769278
Nigel Carlisle69697768283
Jim Osborne74697269284
David Lynn65757371284
David Huggins73696874284
Scott Campbell75627870285
Paul Sturgeon73677472286
Steve Manger68687278286
Peter Ratcliffe79727363287
William Beatty73727072287
Ken Webb74697173287
Arthur McElevey74697173287
Trevor Nutt72726776287
Stephen McElevey74687076288
Stephen Cullen76716775289
Terry Park78717467290
Gareth Taylor78676778290
Ryan Lennox66717479290

For a full list of result visit