Category: News

2021 Membership Due

As the separate Golf Club membership fee was due on Friday 30th April, any members with an outstanding balance will automatically be blocked from entering club competitions including the match play and inter club competitions from Saturday 8th May 2021.

Important: you can not be a member of the Golf Club if you haven’t paid your Golf Centre membership fees which are also now overdue.

April Update

Tee Markers
From Saturday 1st May the following competitions will be played from the White Tee markers

  • Saturday Competitions
  • Sunday to Tuesday Competition
  • Wednesday to Friday Competition

The 60 Plus and 5 Day Members competitions will still be played from the Blue Tee Boxes

Competition Names
On our handicapping system we will use the following naming convention for Club Competitions:

If you wish to enter the competition played from Sunday through to Tuesday you will be signing into the Sunday Stableford or Sunday Stroke.

If you wish to enter the competition played from Wednesday through to Friday you will be signing into the Midweek Stableford.

May Day Trophy
The member with the best overall stableford points in the competition played from Sunday 2nd May through to Tuesday 3rd May will win the May Day Trophy.

Inter Club Competitions
Any who wishes to represent the Club in an inter club competition should put their name on the relevant team sheet pinned to the notice boards in the members room.

Also, with teams split home and away on the same day if you would like to assist a team captain please let Keith Hanna know you are interested. We could use a team captain for the Belfast & District Competition if someone was interested.


  • The Golf Club membership fee is due now.
  • The entries for the Match Play singles and pairs closes on Friday 30th April

2021 Inter Club Draws

Men’s Senior Cup
First Round home to Cairndhu by 14th June

Men’s All Ireland Four-Ball
First round away to Antrim by 14th June

Men’s Fred Perry Trophy 21st June
Second round home to Roe Park by 5th July

Men’s Barton Shield
Second round away to Castlerock by 12th July

Men’s Jimmy Bruen 
First round away to Fortwillam by 14th June

Men’s Pierce Purcell
Second round away to Lambeg by 28th June

Men’s Junior Cup
Second round home to Cliftonville by 28th June.

Belfast & District
Second round home to Ballyclare by 5th July

Ulster Cup
Second round home to Greenisland by 5th July

Women’s Minor Cup
First round home to Malone by 14th June 

Women’s Challenge Cup
First round away to Ballymena by 14th June