Category: Midweek 2016

Wednesday 27th July 2016

Midweek Competition

Division 1 Score Handicap New Handicap Prize
Alan Simpson 39 7 6.8 20
Lee Annett 37 6 6.1 15
Trevor McMillan 36 12 11.8 10
William Beatty 36 8 8.2
Derek Browne 35 14 AWAY
Mark Leitch 35 13 13.0
Keith Hanna 34 12 12.1
Brendan Faulkner 34 13 13.1
Hugh Moore 33 14 14.4
Sean Phoenix 33 14 13.6
Scott Campbell 32 1 AWAY
Ross Campbell 32 12 12.4
Chris Simmons 31 10 9.6
Scott Colville 30 8 8.3
John Wright 30 12 11.8
Arthur McElevey 29 10 10.3
Ross Smith 27 9 9.2
Noel Higginson 18 14 13.7
Philip Livingston N/R 13 12.9


Division 2 Score Handicap New Handicap Prize
Clifford Huggins 39 25 * 23.6 20
Warren Stewart 39 22 * 21.1 15
Frank McFarlane 38 19 * 18.0 10
Desmond McComb 34 20 20.1
Dermot Ward 33 20 20.4
Martin Morgan 32 21 20.5
Paul Doyle 32 15 14.6
Neil McKnight 32 17 16.9
David Forsythe 32 20 20.0
Jim Lewis 32 20 19.7
Paul Doherty 29 26 26.5
Noel McWhirter 29 22 21.5
Tommy Clarke 29 19 19.4
Brian Robinson 28 25 25.4
Phillip McClean 27 27 27.1
John Eagleson 26 16 16.3
Ian Gilchrist 25 20 20.5
Jim Brannigan 23 24 23.7
James Ireland 20 16 16.0
Victor Catling 18 27 27.4
Jeff Ferguson N/R 28 27.9
Stephen Lee N/R 23 22.8
Brian Robinson N/R 25 25.5

72 Hole Competition 2016

Overall Winners:

Gross – Jim Osborne
Nett – Gary Spratt
Points – Ross Smith & Aaron Hynds

As there were only three members who completed all four rounds without a no return in the Nett and Stroke competitions prizes were paid to all three members.  The remaining prize money was split between Ross and Aaron as no rules were published to split joint scores.

For a full list of results click one of the links below..

Stableford Points Competition

Gross Scores Competition

Nett Scores Competition

* Members can’t win two prizes.

Wednesday 20th July 2016

Midweek Competition

Paul Frew 40 15 * 13.5 25
Dermot Ward 37 21 * 20.4 20
Jim Osborne 36 7 7.3 15
Jim Lewis 36 20 19.7 10
John Wright 36 12 12.0 5
Terry Park 35 14 14.3
Jamie Campbell 34 17 16.5
Desmond McComb 34 20 20.1
Neil McKnight 34 17 16.8
Ian Gilchrist 33 20 20.3
Ross Smith 33 9 8.9
George Watt 33 10 AWAY
Allen Agnew 33 7 7.1
Andrew Walsh 32 11 10.6
Chris Simmons 32 10 9.9
Clifford Huggins 32 25 24.8
Gary Spratt 32 9 8.8
Derek Browne 32 14 AWAY
Sean Phoenix 31 14 13.6
Ryan McCartney 31 12 11.7
Phillip McClean 31 27 26.9
Philip Colville 30 10 10.2
Brendan Faulkner 30 13 13.1
Jim Brannigan 30 24 23.6
Lee Annett 30 6 6.5
Robert Boyd 29 19 19.0
Robin Wilson 29 17 17.2
Brian Robinson 28 25 25.3
Mark Leitch 26 13 13.0
Nigel Davenport 25 10 10.4
Alex Young 24 20 20.1
Martin Stubbs 22 14 14.5
John Eagleson 18 16 16.2
Danny McCaffrey N/R 15 14.7
Anthony McCullough N/R 8 8.2
Stephen Warnock N/R 7 7.1